The person behind the business…

The person behind the business…

The person behind the business… 

We talk a lot now about shopping local and supporting small businesses, we want to ensure that our smaller independent businesses don’t get forgotten about or swallowed up by the bigger corporate chain retailers. But what makes you want to shop local? Surely it doesn’t really matter where you spend your money as long as you get what you need, and you receive a good service or product and if needed the after sales customer service element is good as well. What difference does it really make where you spend your cash? Quite honestly, it can make a huge difference so I thought it would be great to share with you a little about the person behind the business.

Who am I?

I’m Sunita, I have over 21 years of managerial experience across both retail and service sectors, I’m also a B.A. Hons Graduate in Business Management and I am driven to succeed and provide the best experience possible for every single customer that I work with. These skills coupled with my creative side and my desire to create a life that could be flexible and ensure that I did not miss out on important moments in my children lives, led to the inception and creation of Ekantika Designs.



I am a mum of two wonderful children, now almost fully grown, and they have been the centre of my world for as long as I can remember. As a single mum I have had to make sacrifices over the years to ensure that I could give my children the future that I knew they deserved, from working late into the night, to sleeping on the living room floor, to saying no to nights out with friends, I knew that every sacrifice would be worth it, that I would build a business and a life that I could be proud of. I also knew that as I grew my business around my family life that I would be able to teach my children the important of following your dreams and that by working hard you can achieve the things in life that really matter to you.

How it started.

Being your own boss and running your own business might sound like a dream come true, after all you can set your own hours, work from home if you want to, and you can take your business in exactly the direction that you want. But what most don’t appreciate is the long hours, the loneliness, the self-doubt and self-criticism that you often can’t escape, and the times where you wonder why you ever started.

Running your own business can be incredibly hard, but also incredibly fulfilling and satisfying. Getting positive reviews from customers and seeing them return time and time again really does give you a sense of achievement and pride.

I started In Vouge Designs because I knew that I could create something beautiful, something different, something that could put a smile on the face of other people. I am a creative at heart and I knew that this was something that I wanted to use more in my business, yes I had all of the business acumen and managerial skills to make a successful business, but it takes more than that and quite frankly I wanted to be able to measure my success in more than just turnover and profit. I wanted to create a business that would make a positive impact on others.

Ekantika Designs

In January 2019 my business was was founded, I started out making jewellery and other accessories but I knew there was something more that I wanted to do. What I had started was  great but there was just something missing. Overtime I found that missing element, what I really wanted to do was create bespoke and unique gifts for others, items that could be personalised and bought for a loved one, items that would really show just how connected one person was to another.

Unique, bespoke, personalised gifts are the perfect way to show a person just how much they mean to you, and also how well you know them. Receiving a personalised gift shows that someone has been willing to go the extra mile for you. It is easy to go online and order what might be a good gift, but is it really the best gift? A personalised gift shows that you have put thought into the gift, it shows that you have taken the time to really think about what the other person would like to receive and it puts a huge smile on both parties face.



My business might be based around gifts and products, but in reality what I create is love, a sense of belonging and gifts that will be held close and treasured long after they have been given.

What next?

My vision is to be the most unique gift service, not just in Manchester but across the UK. I strive to source, create, and deliver gifts that excite, inspire, and delight my customers. With a passion for the finer details, and quality personalisation I am your expert in gifting. Every day I strive to be the best I can be and to create the best gifts and products you could possibly want. I also strive each day to be a great role model to my children, I can already see my grit and determination in them and I want them to know that with hard work they can achieve anything. I have big goals and I intend to see them come true.

So, does it make a difference if you shop with smaller independent businesses rather than big chain retailers? Yes, it really does. Every order that you place means something to me, you are not just a number, you are a customer that I want to do my best for. In supporting me, by choosing my products you also support my children and show them that they can create the future that they desire.

You can explore our full range here.



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